Wednesday 19 October 2011

what you might have missed

Birtley News gets updated on a regular basis. But for those who are infrequent visitors, here's a selection of news items that the national media for some inexplicable reason failed to cover.

YC is still fellrunning. Whether it's the Ian Hodgson Relay, LAMM, or an irreverent view at work, there's usually some fellrunning news.

The fine craft Stella Genesta is going strong on the Norfolk Broads. In July she ventured on to the northern waters for her annual cruise. Earlier in the year she sailed in company with Mimosa for a few days.

There's always a smattering of family news. Whether it's the Walkers in town, the Millers in South Africa, or monopoly and model railways with Matthew, you will be up to date with family goings-on.

Earlier in the year, YC was in New Zealand for some tramping and running.

And when all else fails, there's training on beer.