"Dreich" is probably the best description for the weather at The OMM (Original Mountain Marathon) at the weekend. The event was held in Scotland near Loch Tay (Perthshire). YC completed the medium score event with Paul Hainsworth. The score event is akin to an orienteering event with competitors visiting as many checkpoints as possible in an alloted time. The weather did fair up a bit on Sunday, though the tops were still in the cloud. Despite a couple of navigational wobbles, we made our way round OK and finished 19th out of circa 200 - not bad for a couple of non-orienteerers.

left - Paul at the start
right - at the finish with Francis Shillitoe and Paul Gaines

"what the well-dressed man wears at The OMM (possibly)"
Who needs hi-tech clothing when you can just roll up your ronhills?
After 2 days running, YC deemed it prudent for some rest and rehydration. Readers can probably guess what form that took. In case they are struggling, here is another keen Birtley News reader also rehydrating in The White Swan, Ampleforth. He claims his daughter Miss Telfer (pictured left) dragged him there against his will. A likely tale...