The occasion was enlivened by Rev T's hat. The owner of the hat wasn't present, but he had kindly given it to YC who had brought it along to the amusement of all concerned. Flat caps are unlikely to be the next big thing on the London fashion scene, but you never know...

left - walking beside the Thames at Rotherhithe
right - in the Old Salt Quay at Rotherhithe (note Rev T's hat jauntily worn by Lois)

Checking out the old docks at Rotherhithe. Photo courtesy of Graham Ashton.
Sunday saw YC back by the river for lunch with James & family. The occasion was Phoebe's birthday. After lunch in Wagamama (a Japanese restaurant for those like YC who are gloriously not up to date and have never heard of it), the troops repaired to the London Aquarium where the penguins were top of the billing and Phoebe's favourite.

in Wagamama
a few more photos