May the feet of God walk with you, and his hand hold you tight.
May the eye of God rest on you, and his ear hear your cry.
May the smile of God be for you, and his breath give you life.
May the Child of God grow in you, and his love bring you home.
YIC returned to the church the following Wednesday for the 10 am communion service at Holy Cross. The priest Erica preached a brief sermon (which is always a good start) about striving to enter through the narrow gate. The Greek word for strive is "agonizomia" from which we get the word "agony". The word was also used for athletes striving to reach their goal - so YIC felt a certain affinity with his fellrunning. Here's a photo of the church. It's a modern building and reminded YIC of St Hilda's on the Marden Estate (where YIC was baptised).