For those who have not been following the must-read blog that is Birtley News (shame on you), here is a selection of what you have been missing over the last year.
Your Correspondent has taken a year off work. The fun started last August with YC's last day at work for a while. Work even supplied YC with his own commemorative edition of Birtley News - click on the photo below for a detailed look.

After a couple of months in the UK including a
40th birthday celebration (he is getting old...), YC became Your International Correspondent. The first leg of the journey was to
Singapore where he visited Richard Cox, before 3 months in Australia. There he walked
the Cape to Cape Track in Western Australia and
visited Peter Miller and family in Canberra. Next he moved on to Tasmania for lots of walking including the
Overland Track. He stayed with
Rick & Kiz and family who were very hospitable.
After Christmas and New Year back at Canberra, YC moved on to New Zealand where he spent 3 months exploring the South and North Islands. Lots of tramping (NZ phrase for hiking, not hanging out with the local vagrants) was on the menu. YC stayed at numerous
backcountry huts and
climbed lots of hills. Here he is on Mt Ruapehu which was his highpoint for the trip at 2,672 metres.

After NZ, he returned to the UK via America where he stayed in
Boston with Ross and Elizabeth Pope. He is not due to return to work until 1 October. So he spends his time
walking, running,
sailing, and
drinking beer. It's a tough life.
You can follow his progress on this blog and look at the photos on
flickr. YC bets you can't wait.