YIC has now arrived in the US. Here he is staying at Ipswich (near Boston) with Ross and Elizabeth Pope. There was a very jolly family occasion today when YIC was delighted to meet several family members whom he had not seen before. Pictured above from the left are: Dillon, Elizabeth Johnson, Margaret, Elizabeth Pope, Cindy, Kailey, Cameron, David and Ross.
For those wondering how the family relationship works, here goes:
Granny Duff's sister was Doris Cameron
Doris married George Thompson and had twin daughters - Elizabeth and Margaret
Elizabeth married Ross Pope. Their son is David who is married to Cindy and has 2 children - Cameron and Kailey
Margaret married Rodney Robinson and their daughter is Elizabeth (married to Jeff Johnson) whose son is Dillon
So for YIC (and indeed his Duff cousins), David Pope and Elizabeth Johnson are his second cousins.
All perfectly clear!