An Englishman, a Frenchman, and a Russian went up in a hot air balloon. The Russian took a pear, the Frenchman an apple, and the Englishman a bomb. The Russian dropped the pear over Russia, and a little girl cried when a pear landed on her head. The Frenchman dropped the apple over France, and a little boy cried when an apple fell on his head. The Englishmen dropped the bomb over England. When the balloon landed in England, they found a little boy laughing. "Why are you laughing?" they asked the boy. "Because", he replied, "my Dad farted and our house blew up!"
This schoolboy humour was brought to you by Matthew Duff. And if you thought that was funny, then ask Matthew to tell you the story about the zwei peanuts valking down ze strasse.
Dinner in Il Forno's with James, Phoebe, Katie, and Matthew |