left - NFR and Heaton Harriers on Cow Hill
right - on the way down
The hills were a little smaller than the Lakeland fare of last week. But the running was probably more difficult - as group leader Phil Green had decreed that it would be " 5 times up Cow Hill hard, then 5 times down hard". So it was YC found himself harking back to his school days - running up and down the hills on The Town Moor.
Later in the day YC found time for some birdwatching. Yesterday's snow buntings were not be seen at Blyth, but purple sandpipers at Seaton Sluice and nuthatches in Holywell Dene made for an enjoyable day.
Wales have just sorted out Ireland in a very entertaining rugby match. Well done the boyos. However guess where Scotland play next...The Millennium Stadium. It could be a long season for the boys in blue.