Sunday 11 December 2011

Simonside Cairns Fell Race

After last week's snowy run, YC was fellrunning today in more clement weather. The route of the Simonside Cairns race had to be altered due to ice on the top of Simonside. So instead the race followed a clockwise loop around Simonside without actually going to the top. Last week there was snow and a freezing wind; today there was a hint of sunshine and a gentle westerly. Even better, Mark Brooker was back for another fellrace and kindly drove YC to the race. This meant that YC could slake the raging fellrunner's thirst afterwards in the Newcastle Hotel.

YC finished circa 14th out of 90 in about 1 hour 30 mins. His shock at finishing so high up was only surpassed at seeing John Telfer sipping a glass of coke in the pub afterwards. Presumably now that JT has had his coke and tea, there might just be the chance for something a little stronger.

More details will soon be appearing on the NFR website for those keen to peruse the results - no doubt readers can't wait for that.