left - on Mt Travers summit
right - looking down on Upper Travers Hut from Mt Travers

left - the view from Angelus hut
right - trampers head along the Roberts Ridge
YNZC has just returned from a week's tramping in the Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand. He was blessed with perfect weather for the whole week - blue skies, good visibility, and generally gentle winds. The highlight of the trip was climbing Mt Travers - at 2,338 metres the views over the surrounding hills were stunning. After a week of walking, YNZC will be attending Nelson Cathedral for evensong tonight, before slaking the raging tramper's thirst with a well-earned beer. It's been a whole week without beer, so the first one shouldn't touch the sides. As YNZC's brother James comments - it's a case of "ale, aching limbs, and amen".