Left - YC: what goes ha ha bonk? A man laughing his head off. Matthew - noooo!
Right - Grandpa gazes wistfully at the tent building whilst wondering if anyone will refill his glass
On Saturday the Green Wyvern Refugees convened for their annual get together. This year's cultural visit was to Sambrook's Brewery in Battersea. This micro brewery was set up in 2008 and already supplies numerous pubs in London with Wandle Ale (a fine 3.8% session bitter) and the stronger Junction Ale (named after the nearby Clapham Junction). There were numerous opportunities for tasting the ales (including a newly developed porter called Powerhouse); YC coped personfully with this. Indeed so intent was YC on sampling the wares that he nearly missed the bar skittles competition of the century, in which Lois narrowly prevailed over Alex.

left - Green Wyverns in Sambrook's
right - Alex wills her throw to success but can't hold off Wigan's demon skittler
On Sunday, YC heard Emma preach at St Paul's. This was not the cathedral, but St Paul's Church in Lisson Grove where Emma is the pastoral assistant. The church is in the centre of London about a mile north of Oxford Street. It was Advent Sunday, so YC enjoyed giving hymns such as "Lo He comes with clouds descending" full welly. Afterwards, lunch with Emma & Clare Kelly at 'ping pong' (a Chinese restaurant offering Dim Sun, green tea, and red wine - hurrah) rounded off a fine weekend.