Colin & Mary Kendall

Dulcie (Colin's mother) - do you think I could have a glass of wine?
Tim Walker - certainly, I'm just holding on to this bottle in case Rev T pulls rank and claims it for communion wine (a likely tale).
After Colin's party, Rev & Mrs T headed for America where they visited Washington, New York and Boston. There they caught up with Ross & Elizabeth Pope and Margaret Robinson. Here they are in a restaurant at Marblehead.
Rev T read with interest the local papers and spotted this obituary in The Boston Globe. G R Poor - "he always insisted on sailing a boat to its maximum efficiency, and demanded precision from his crew." Substitute "minimum" for maximum and "going on the mud" for precision, and readers will have Rev T's sailing philosophy in a nutshell.
Mr Poor also played the trumpet at night when in harbour and yachtsman recounted "the beauty of George's music as it spoke to us". People in Norfolk say much the same about YC's penny whistle playing (possibly).