The Green Wyverns met in London on Saturday for their annual autumnal gathering. The day began with a swift half (or two) in the Red Lion pub in St James. Discussions on sailing were washed down with some excellent Seafarer's Ale - at 3.6% an eminently quaffable ale which YC felt obliged to sample (greater love hath no man....) The afternoon continued with a visit to The Theatre Royal to see Breakfast at Tiffany's - an excellent adaptation of Truman Capote's classic novel (rather than the film) which, btw, YC commends to readers when they can tear themselves away from Birtley News. Afterwards, there was more nice beer and a pleasant Italian meal in Mayfair (YC must be moving up in the world). There was even the chance to watch the dramatic denouement to the Scotland game - they won by a single point when Australia missed the last kick of the game. Hurrah!

sampling the Seafarer's Ale in The Red Lion
from the left - Alex, James, Emma, Andy, YC, Graham, Tom
photo by Lois
not pictured - Eifion & Julian

YC arrives in the style to which he is accustomed - by Rolls Royce at The Ritz (check out the registration plate by clicking on the photo)