photo - Marcus Byron
The British fellrunning relays were held near Ennerdale Bridge in West Cumberland yesterday. The visibility soon went downhill as mist and drizzle moved in, making it a bit of a navigational challenge. YC was running for NFR's veterans team (no age related comments please readers) on leg 2 with Bernard Kivlehan. At this stage the field was still quite bunched up and there were other runners to follow. YC did take the precaution of checking his map on the way round. This proved to be a wise move as there were plenty of tales of folk going astray following others who appeared to know where they were going - but didn't.
The Vets team finished 58th out of circa 150 teams. The seniors team had an excellent run, finishing 10th overall with the last runner - Nick Swinburn - running the fastest leg 4 of the day. Nick was relieved that YC was running leg 2 as otherwise his fastest leg status might have been under threat (joke).

Bernard climbing Blake Fell.

before the mist came down - the start of leg 1
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