Paul works hard on the climb, but it's all a breeze for Nick.
at the back of Simonside running towards Spylaw
Paul, Nick and Graham on top of Simonside enjoying a breather.
Today YIC ran with Katherine Davis from NFR to Hedgehope from Hartside in the Ingram Valley. Yesterday's sunshine had given way to cloud and a distinctly chilly breeze in the Cheviots. Undeterred, your hardy Northumberland Fellrunners both wore shorts. They might have carried a St George's flag as well, but Rev T was making full use of the flag reserves for a St George's Day assembly for Christ Church school. St George didn't actually slay the dragon at Christ Church today, though you would have been forgiven for thinking so due to the fantastic props (flags, lambs, damsel in distress etc) provided by Mrs Rev T.
Katherine and YIC on Hedgehope summit
Having worked up a thirst, YIC is off to test the quality of the ale in a nearby licensed premise. It is St George's Day, after all.