YIC attended the morning communion service at St Luke's, Rotorua today. The service started with "Lift high the cross" which YIC hasn't sung in a long time. His abiding memory of this hymn is singing it at an open-air service years ago at Gosforth Racecourse when the entry procession was so long that the hymn was sung twice - all 12 verses. Fortunately there were just 4 verses this morning, so it wasn't too taxing on the voice. John Keeble's anniversary falls today in the Anglican calendar, and the priest gave some interesting thoughts on the Oxford Movement, including how it had influenced Anglo-Cathlolic traditions in New Zealand.
YIC is now in Thames in the north-east of the North Island. It is considerably warmer than the NE of England. The skies are blue and it's 24 degrees C. Tomorrow he hopes to walk to the Pinnacles lookout on the Coromandel Peninusula.
YIC is now in Thames in the north-east of the North Island. It is considerably warmer than the NE of England. The skies are blue and it's 24 degrees C. Tomorrow he hopes to walk to the Pinnacles lookout on the Coromandel Peninusula.