1 climb a mountain,
2 jet boat down a river, or
3 milk cows?
Answer - all three of course.
YIC rose with the lark (indeed he beat the lark to it at 5 am today) to go milking on Craig & Lisa's farm (they are Maddie and Brian's son-in-law and daughter). The 270 strong dairy herd were lined up on either side of the cow shed with their udders facing inwards. With deft skill Craig and Lisa would attach the milking machines to the udders, and then whisk them off and on to the cows on the other side of the row. YIC turned his hand to this as well. He can't claim to be quite as nimble, but he managed a few milkings without getting kicked by the cow or a face full of dung: which in the circumstances he considered to be a bit of a result.

Craig monitors the milking

YIC tries his hand while Lisa looks on

up close to the cow - no dung please!