Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Wanaka arrival

YIC has now arrived in Wanaka where he is staying at the friendly and relaxed YHA. For those whose NZ geography is not top notch, Wanaka is in the southern part of the South Island, near Queenstown. YIC flew to Wanaka via Christchurch. The plane was tiny (just a 20 seater) but there were great views over the Southern Alps and of Mount Cook in particular.

Today YIC has recced the Wanaka Skyline race which he has entered. This is in 2 weeks time and goes over the local peaks of Mt Roy (1578 m) and Mt Alpha (1630m). This was an enjoyable ridge between them, then a grassy/track descent. After this, YIC felt rather tired and slightly dehydrated, so he restored the spirits with several cups of redbush tea. And now that he has had his tea...

Mt Roy from the lake shore where YIC swam yesterday

Lake Wanaka from Mt Roy

Mt Roy from the ridge route to Mt Alpha

Mt Aspiring from Mt Roy

the 20 seater Wanaka plane