YIC has just returned from an excellent 3 day tramp over the Cascade Saddle, a stunning alpine crossing between Raspberry Creek and the Dart Valley. The tramp involved a very steep climb up Pylon (1835m) before traversing to the saddle which had fantastic views over Mount Aspiring and the Dart Glacier. After dropping down to Dart Hut, YIC walked over the Rees Saddle and descended the Rees Valley. He had to camp for a night at a remote car park (Muddy Creek) before the bus arrived on the last day (he knows how to live). But just in case readers thought YIC undertook odd adventures, spare a thought for Nadine: she ran round the whole Rees Dart Track (90k) which took 18 hours. YIC met her just after the start of her run, then again at the car park.

on Cascade Saddle

the Dart Glacier from Cascade Saddle

Snowy Creek from Rees Saddle

the bivvy at Muddy Creek with just the sandflies for company

Nadine, fresh from running 90k