Congratulations to Michael & Annemarie Walker who were married at St James' Church, Poole on Saturday 26th September. It was a beautiful day, and several of the guests warmed up for the event with a dip in the English Channel (it's warmer than the North Sea at Tynemouth). Photos of the happy couple plus the assembled Duff family are shown below.
In other news, Emma Duff is raising sponsorship by shaving her hair. Her church youth group thought it was a great idea, Emma wasn't so convinced but is now coming round to it. There's a photo of Emma below (she is wearing the dog collar). Emma is raising funds for Macmillan and The Vine Cafe, Howdon (click on the links to sponsor her).
In fellrunning news, YC ran in the Ian Hodgson Mountain Relay at the weekend for NFR. The weather was fine with high clouds and a good time was had by all. NFR was never in danger of troubling the leaders, unlike Dark Peak Vets who finished 14th overall and 1st vets team. Mike Nolan (buddy of Mrs OC) was running for DP Vets. Here he is finishing leg 1.