The Jacksons were in Tynemouth in August. Brian & Gill were staying chez YC whilst Ingrid & Max were just around the corner with Philip & Angela. The weather was surprisingly good - so it was straight down to the beach for Max to enjoy the Costa del Long Sands. Andrew & Diane called round for afternoon tea - and Diane's old coffee table (now residing with YC) was wheeled out and put through its paces.
More recently YC has been sailing on the fine craft Stella Genesta with Mr & Mrs Old Salt. The fine weather continued, with blue skies and a good breeze making for pleasant sailing. Stella made it to Brundall, Beccles, and Oulton. The best beer was to be found in The Waveney House Hotel, Beccles (Adnams Bitter) whilst the most reasonably priced beer was Greene King IPA at The Waveney, Oulton Broad (£2.50 a pint - hurrah). The best mooring was on the yacht club at Oulton Broad with splendid isolation and a sunset - all available at a very realistically priced mooring fee (just add an 'R' to the previous word).
Ingrid, Max & Gill |
Brian, Diane & the coffee table |
sailing down Oulton Dyke |
sunset on Oulton Broad |