"Never So Good" by Howard Brenton is a play based on the life of Harold Macmillan who when Prime Minister famously said "They've never had it so good". YC saw it last night at The People's Theatre, and very good it was too. It ranged from Macmillan's time as an officer in the First World War, through his days as a minister in Churchill's government, and up to his tenure at No 10 Downing Street. It was an amusing and interesting history lesson. Hands up which reader (without consulting google) can name the British Prime Minister and American President at the time of the Suez Crisis?
YC took in some different culture on Wednesday - a popular music concert by Deacon Blue at The City Hall. YC doesn't usually indulge in pop concerts. But his social secretary (Katrina Pescott) was on the case and he duly went along. And very good it was too. With hits including Fergus Sings the Blues, Twist and Shout, and Dignity, Deacon Blue provided 2 hours of superb entertainment. Readers won't be surprised to learn that whilst Katrina sang along with gusto to all the songs, YC sat quietly in his seat and didn't join in at all (possibly).

"A woman's work is never done."
As seen at Loddon Staithe - Mrs Rev T reaches for the mop whilst Rev T looks quietly on.