Jubilee Celebrations - Tim & Gill Walker were very patriotic, putting up the Union Jack and St George's Cross on their garage. Meanwhile Ruth Walker was watching the Thames flotilla from a Battersea balcony, before retreating from all the razzamatazz to keep the weeds at bay in her allotment.
Sailing - Michael Walker joined YC and Rev & Mrs T for the jubilee weekend on the fine craft Stella Genesta. Mike, Graham & Nic Ashton were also there on Zephyr, and the crews found time for a small jubilee celebration with some champagne (hurrah).
LAMM - YC and Paul Hainsworth ventured forth again on the Lowe Alpine Mountain Marathon in Scotland. The venue was Ben Cruachan near Oban. It was - in no particular order - good fun, tough, and midge overload. More details here on the NFR website.
Emma Duff - has been accepted for ordination training in the Church of England. She will head off to theological college in the autumn armed with a Bible, study notes, and the Good Beer Guide (naturally).

left - on board Stella
right - flags to the fore in Lytham

left - Michael helming Stella at Cantley
right - Zephyr near Langley

left -Paul enjoying the boat ride to the start of the LAMM
right - high enough up (just) to escape the midge hoard