YC was running in the national fellrunning relays for NFR at the weekend. These were held in the Lomond Hills, Fife (the 2 conical shaped hills that you see across the Firth of Forth as you approach Edinburgh by train). He was representing the veterans team (no ageist comments please) and ran the pairs leg with David Armstrong. This turned out to be a testing 9.5 miler with circa 2,500 ft of climbing and took 1 hour 41 mins. Overall the NFR vets' performance is probably best described as 'stately' with the emphasis on taking part rather than winning. Indeed John Telfer, our last leg runner, was marginally slower than our vet lady for the same leg. When quizzed on this, JT revealed that he had been the nominated driver the night before and so had missed his customary 2 pint warm-up. So with a bit more training on beer, YC is sure that the NFR vets will soon be sweeping all before them.

left - on the home straight of leg 1 (photo - John Telfer)
right - Will Horsley (stroking the dog) on the summit of West Lomond on a recce the day before