Mr & Mrs Rev T are back in the UK after an enjoyable month in New Zealand. They visited the fiords at Doubtful Sound, checked out the long lost family brewery - McDuffs - in Dunedin, and swam in Lake Wanaka. They also found time for some sailing on Kingfisher 2 at the Bay of Islands (pictured above). The sailing was enlivened by the Queen Mary 2 being anchored in the bay and Rev T being allowed on the helm. A diplomatic incident was narrowly avoided when Rev T shouted STARBOARD! on the the QM2, only to discover he was on the port tack. Apparently some Monteiths Original soothed the nerves afterwards.
Here's a few other photos from the holiday.

long lost family brewery; Doubtful Sound; Brief Encounter on The Indian Pacific with Ann Chillingworth who by chance was on the same train.