High Cup Nick is a spectacular geographical feature in The Pennines. It's surprising how many people haven't heard of it. It's near Cross Fell which you see as you drive down the M6. YC ran up it yesterday in the High Cup Nick Fell Race - a 9 miler that started and finished in Dufton. The race went straight up the valley to the head of the Nick, then returned on the Pennine Way along the northern escarpment. 145 runners took part and YC was 39th in 1 hour 21 mins. After all that effort, YC thought it prudent to replenish the lost the fluids with a glass (or two) of beer - strictly for rehydration purposes of course.

looking back down High Cup Nick; right - climbing out of the Nick

Northumberland Fell Runners at the start
more photosand a report from an aged fellrunner on the NFR website