Today YIC joined the troops on a visit to Tidbinbilla nature reserve. Thanks to our professional spotter (Peter), we did see a koala. It was sitting in a tree, not doing a lot, looking like a brown football. Here is everybody looking at the koala.
Then we headed to the wetlands area where we spied a musk duck putting on a mating display. Apparently it might have a while to wait - it is the only musk duck on the reserve. Here are Tristan, Sarah and Patrick on a rock at the reserve, with Kristin and Natalie in the background.

On the return journey, Patrick and Tristan requested some songs in the car, including "I am the man, the very fat man, that waters the workers' beer" and YIC was happy to oblige. However Natalie wasn't so enamoured with YIC's singing - she ate her ice-cream then fell asleep.