In the news this year:
- An Teallach (see banner photo) - climbed again by Old Cheviot (and Mrs OC) in April after a night at the Dundonnell Hotel in NW Scotland.
- The Dolomites - for some more via ferrata (protected scrambling) in North Italy with Mrs OC and Alison in the summer. We traveled by train (no flying) which was a great way to get there.
- The Norfolk Broads - wind (and quant) powered on the fine yacht Mimosa (with Andy & Lois) - seen below quanting through Potter Heigham Bridge
- Fellrunning - adopting the retro-chic look of cut-down Ronhills on the fellrunning scene at the Edale Skyline in The Peak District.
- Real ale - walking to The Station House in Durham for a pint of real ale to slake the raging fellrunner's thirst
- Swimming - at King Edward's Bay in Tynemouth, endeavouring to be as hardy as Rev T who swims all year round eschewing such minor matters as a wetsuit (photo withheld on grounds of public decency)
- crosswords - including a rare enjoyable foray into a rainbow-themed offering in yesterday's Guardian
- instagram - for more regular updates, BN is now on instagram with a highly select band of followers (ie not many). For further details, e-mail OC.
And in case readers think life is absolutely blinking-marvelous all the time, spare a thought for those less fortunate for whom there is 'no room at the inn'. Alison is volunteering in Greece, helping with the refugee crisis there. She and a group of friends have started a kitchen offering meals, and are once again raising money for reusuable nappies.
Click here for details of her crowdfunding page.
Happy Christmas one and all. As Santa says when he's gardening....hoe hoe hoe.
Click here for details of her crowdfunding page.
Happy Christmas one and all. As Santa says when he's gardening....hoe hoe hoe.