Why did nobody buy Donner and Blitzen in Santa's Christmas auction? Because they were too dear.
Ho ho ho! And with that merry jape, the Birtley News Christmas special whizzes into action. Here is a quick resume of events you might have missed over the year on your favourite website. Click on the links for more details and photos.
James and family are in Krakow, Poland. YC visited them in October and enjoyed sushi and football (not at the same time).
In church news,
Emma was ordained in the summer;
Geoff retired as parish priest from Holy Saviour's; and an alumna from
St Peter's College was appointed as the first female bishop.
Which just leaves news of YC - still managing to hobble round a few
fell races, drink the odd
pint of beer, and sing in the folk choir at The Sage Gateshead (photo below).
"I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you: he is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2 10 - 11
Happy Christmas!