Monday, 31 May 2010
Old Cheviot on the Border Ridge
Sunday, 30 May 2010
family celebrations

left - Diane holds court
right - the children take to the floor
below - YC: what do you call a one eyed dinosaur? Sophie -doyouthinkhesaurus!
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Old County Top - no "s"
Hats off to all those finished in tough conditions, including John Telfer and Stewart Barrie (read John's report on the NFR website). Readers will be relieved to hear that YC did find time for some training on beer in The New Dungeon Ghyll in the evening where the Cumberland Corby Ale was on fine form.
Elite athletes apparently swear by ice baths as a restorative for tired limbs. YC doesn't possess an ice bath, but he has the next best thing - the North Sea on his doorstep. He took a quick dip this afternoon. Readers can probably guess the temperature of the water (hint - not warm).
Monday, 17 May 2010
Swimming, St James' Church, and Staerough Hill
On Saturday YC headed down to London to see his sister Emma. After a swim in Hampstead Heath ponds (distinctly chilly at 12C), some Chiswick Bitter at The Red Lion (Duke of York Street in Central London) helped to restore the tissues. On Sunday YC swelled the ranks of the newly formed St James' Church music group. Gethin (violin) had prepared the music. Claire (piano), Simon (clarinet), David (guitar), Emma (flute), and YC (bodhran) formed the rest of the group. The service went with a swing as the group knocked out numbers such as "I heard the voice of Jesus say" and "Alleluia Sing to Jesus". Perhaps the highlight was a stirring rendition of "At the name of Jesus" (to the jazzy tune of Camberwell which readers might remember from their school days) which had the congregation tapping their toes and singing lustily along.
Today YC ran around the route of The Yetholm Hill Race in The Cheviot Hills. This splendid 8 mile route is all off-road over beautiful quiet fells including Staerough Hill and The Curr. Readers looking for some armchair exercise should click on the video below to enjoy fellrunning from the comfort of their own desk.
the view from Staerough Hill over Sunnyside Hill towards The Curr
running along The Pennine Way on Steer Rig
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Buttermere Sailbeck

NFR at the start
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
May Day sailing

left - an Old Hand in charge
middle - with Mimosa's crew at the Wherry Inn, Geldeston
right - Stella at Geldeston Village Staithe
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Old Cheviot keeps readers on the straight and narrow
The summit of Hedgehope was deserted and windswept. So OC moved on towards Langlee Crags - a checkpoint that has caused more than one Chevy Chaser to go astray. Indeed OC reflected that Phil Sanderson had missed it when leading the race last year. OC is always keen to keep his fellow runners on the straight and narrow (even though he himself occasionally strays from it). So for those who wonder just where the checkpoint is, click on the photo on the left. X marks the spot.

left - Langlee Crags
right - Hedgehope from Langlee Crags
Keen readers and fellrunners might wonder - what is the quickest route from Hedgehope to Langlee Crags? OC keeps such knowledge under his hat but could be tempted to divulge it. So if readers spot an aged fellrunner who is looking down on his luck, why not buy him a pint. Soon you could be sprinting to Langlee Crags before even Phil Sanderson gets there.