So what's going on here? Why is this lion sporting a natty pink accoutrement? Will it one day be strolling down the catwalk (ho ho) in South Africa showing off this latest must-have fashion item? The truth is more prosaic. The dart soon falls out and takes a biopsy (tiny portion of the lion's flesh) with it. The biopsy is then analysed by the researchers who are keeping tabs on the South African lions' health.
Here is a picture of the chief darter at work. Regular readers will recognise her as YC's cousin Susan Miller. She is about to be joined in SA by all of the Miller clan - Alistair & Margaret, Ian, Alison, and Peter plus their families. It should be quite a gathering. Reports that the price of rhubarb crumble has doubled overnight in anticipation of the Miller arrival are probably not true.
Here is a picture of the chief darter at work. Regular readers will recognise her as YC's cousin Susan Miller. She is about to be joined in SA by all of the Miller clan - Alistair & Margaret, Ian, Alison, and Peter plus their families. It should be quite a gathering. Reports that the price of rhubarb crumble has doubled overnight in anticipation of the Miller arrival are probably not true.