Friday 31 May 2013

no wrecks and nobody drownded

YC has just spent the first week of his holiday sailing on the Norfolk Broads on the fine craft Stella Genesta.  Haunts visited included Brundall, Berney, and Breydon Water.  It was an enjoyable cruise with some good sailing.  Stella didn't ago aground once.  There were no wrecks and nobody drownded, in fact nothing to laugh at all (except when Rev T nearly sailed up the leeward bank on a beam wind whilst admiring his flags). 

YC is off to Australia tomorrow.  As John Telfer points out, this is the land of "cold and fizzy lager".  However YC would like to reassure JT that he has contingency plans.  Namely:
  1. Jonathan Winterton is taking him on a tour of Gorleston's finest real ale houses this evening.
  2. There is good beer in Australia if you look hard enough (and YC will be unstinting in his research).
Watch this space.
sailing down Rockland Dyke

Monday 20 May 2013

fellrunning and rugby

The weather wasn't great on Saturday.  In fact it was absolutely hosing it down for most of the day.   For those fellrunning, this meant:

Old County Tops - a tough 37 mile day on the fells, with navigation at a premium in freezing conditions.  Paul Myers and Nick Wild braved the elements to notch up another successful completion of the race.

Bob Graham Round - an even tougher 42 Lakeland tops, 70 odd miles, and 30,000 ft of climbing.  John Telfer, ably supported by his family and NFR, made it round in 25.5 hours.  Although he couldn't manage to dip under the magical 24 hours, this was still a magnificent achievement in absolutely appalling weather.  JT had shown his commitment by giving up beer for the past 3 weeks (greater love hath no man).  However readers will be relieved to hear that JT has now had his tea...

YC would have liked to have been present at both events, but his dodgy calf is still giving him gyp.  So fellrunning has been replaced by swimming and cycling.  But there is a bright side.  YC can still drink beer (hurrah) and is off to follow the Lions on their tour of Australia.  This means: 6 weeks off work, unstinting research into the quality of Australian ale, and lots of entertaining rugby.  Readers will, of course, be able to read all about it on Birtley News.  Double hurrah.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Old Man And The Sea a book by Ernest Hemingway.  It's not, contrary to popular rumours, about the adventures of Rev T or even Old Salt on the foaming deep.  Rather it's about an old fisherman from Havana and the huge fish he catches.  At just under 100 pages, it can be read in almost one sitting.  YC had one false start at reading it.  But on the second attempt thoroughly enjoyed it and read it from cover to cover.

For those looking for some more short classic novels, YC recommends:
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote - a cracking short story, but not with the happy ending that appears in the film version.
  • The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald - another entertaining read about Jay Gatsby and his pursuit of Daisy.  Read it before you see the forthcoming film.
  • The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett - an amusing tale about The Queen taking up reading late in life with the assistance of her amanuensis Norman.  It's worth it just for the line: Her Majesty - "We're going to Wales in a few weeks' time."  Norman - "Bad luck, ma'am". 

Saturday 11 May 2013

Green Wyvern May Day Cruise

May Day!  YC has been down to the Norfolk Broads for a long weekend on the fine craft Stella Genesta.  The weather finally obliged with sunshine and wind.  Stella is 100 years old, so we celebrated in style with a champagne party on the Saturday night.  Not to be outdone, James Duff has been in Singapore and thought it diplomatic to sample the local waters there.

Can any sharp eyed reader identify the location of the new banner photo?
Stella party at Beauchamp
Shruff and Puck at Berney
Singapore Slings

sailing down Long Galley